Features Overview
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Last updated
The DAOhaus platform helps us manage stakeholders within our DAO (i.e. Members). Members are people or organizations that own Shares and Loot in MolochDAO. Members can own both Shares and/or Loot.
When a Member owns Shares, they have an economic share of the funds in the DAO's Bank, as well as voting rights in the DAO's Proposals.
When a Member owns only Loot, they only have an economic share of the funds in the DAO's Bank, but not voting rights in the DAO's Proposals.
Non-members can join the DAO by requesting Shares / Loot via a Membership Proposal. Members can leave the DAO through a RageQuit proposal, thereby withdrawing their pro-rated ownership of the Bank's funds.
Decision making is done via Proposals, which will need to be voted on by Members (based on their respective Share counts)
Common types of Proposals are:
Membership - Tributing capital and Requesting new shares to join the DAO
Funding - Tributing or Requesting funds from the DAO to work on internal projects and improvements
Whitelist - Request to add support for a new BSC token
GuildKick - Request to forcibly remove a malicious member through a vote
Minion - A contract that allows execution of arbitrary calls i.e swapping assets in the DAO bank
The stages for Proposals are:
Submit Proposal
Sponsor Proposal
In Queue
Voting Period
Grace Period
Ready for Processing