Member Working Groups

At the time of this writing, there are no formal Community DAO working groups beyond the Original group focused on general operations and administration. We need to form them immediately to ensure the long-term decentralized sustainability of the DAO!

The Original group is currently doing everything. As a very small group of generalists, we do the best we can to attend to all the disparate areas of daily operations, but the fact of the matter is that each of these areas requires specialized focus. We suggest members consider the following guidelines in forming working groups:




Activate, deactivate, tune, and maintain strategies


Curate DAO community

Outreach, onboarding, Discord/Discourse admin, marketing

Treasury Managers

Spend money well & grow the treasury

Create budgets for contributors, grants, hiring, operations, or other workstreams; farm the treasury


Oversee txns

Write proposals, submit transactions, maintain records


Coordinate contributors

Create, deploy, modify, or terminate compensation, approve or remove signers

Last updated